XmlTestSuite will emulate certain browser characteristics for the http interface to the server and when executing javascript. This element specifies the attributes of the XmlTestSuite web browser.
If the browser element is not defined, the browser will assume default settings. These defaults will be suitable for most purposes. The most useful settings are likely to be:
Attribute Value(s) Default Value acceptcookies CDATA #IMPLIED acceptgzip Specifies whether a WebClient will be initialized to accept GZIP encoded responses. The default is true. CDATA #IMPLIED applicationcodename CDATA #IMPLIED applicationname CDATA #IMPLIED applicationversion CDATA #IMPLIED autoredirect Determines whether HttpUnit should automatically follow page redirect requests (status 3xx). By default, this is true in order to simulate normal browser operation. CDATA #IMPLIED autorefresh Specifies whether HttpUnit should automatically follow page refresh requests. By default, this is false, so that programs can verify the redirect page presented to users before the browser switches to the new page. Setting this to true can cause an infinite loop on pages that refresh themselves. CDATA #IMPLIED checkcontentlength Specifies whether HttpUnit should throw an exception when the content length of a message does not match its actual received length. Defaults to false. CDATA #IMPLIED defaultcharacterset Sets the default character set for pages which do not specify one and for requests created without HTML sources. By default, HttpUnit uses the HTTP default encoding, iso-8859-1. CDATA #IMPLIED defaultcontenttype Sets the default content type for pages which do not specify one. CDATA #IMPLIED exceptionsthrownonerrorstatus CDATA #IMPLIED exceptionsthrownonscripterror Determines whether script errors result in exceptions or warning messages. CDATA #IMPLIED imagestreatedasalttext If true, tells XmlTestSuite to treat images with alt attributes as though they were the text value of that attribute in all searches and displays. The default is false (image text is generally ignored). CDATA #IMPLIED logginghttpheaders If true, tells HttpUnit to log HTTP headers to system output. The default is false. CDATA #IMPLIED matchesignorecase If true, text matches in methods such as {@link HTMLSegment#getLinkWith} are case insensitive. The default is true (matches ignore case). CDATA #IMPLIED parametervaluesvalidated If true, tells XmlTestSuite to throw an exception on any attempt to set a form parameter to a value which could not be set via the browser. The default is true (parameters are validated). With this option disabled will not only not be checked for correctness, its parameter submission order will not be guaranteed, and changing parameters will not trigger Javascript onChange / onClick events. CDATA #IMPLIED parser The default is the neko parser (recommended). If you want to ensure that the HTML is completely valis HTML, or you think there may be an error in the HTML which isn't highlighted by setting the warnings flag, set this to 'tidy'.
It can be set explicitely for all pages (see parserWarningsEnabled) or for a specific request (see fetch).
With tidy, if you use frames and validate frame urls, you will need to specify full pathnames (e.g. from / downwards) rather than relative urls.
neko | tidyneko parserwarningsenabled If true, tells the parser to display warning messages. The default is false (warnings are not shown). This is a global setting. It can be set explicitely for each server response (see fetch. CDATA #IMPLIED platform CDATA #IMPLIED postincludescharset Determines whether a normal POST request will include the character set in the content-type header. The default is to include it; however, some older servlet engines (most notably Tomcat 3.1) get confused when they see it. CDATA #IMPLIED redirectdelay Sets the delay, in milliseconds, before a redirect request is issued. This may be necessary if the server under some cases where the server performs asynchronous processing which must be completed before the new request can be handled properly, and is taking advantage of slower processing by most user agents. It almost always indicates an error in the server design, and therefore the default delay is zero. CDATA #IMPLIED screenheight Screen height for javascript CDATA #IMPLIED screenwidth Screen width for javascript CDATA #IMPLIED scriptingenabled Default is true with the Niko HTML parser CDATA #IMPLIED useragent The default is 'Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+5.5;+Windows+HttpUnitTest' CDATA #IMPLIED
testspec -- The root element of a xml test script.
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