Group together a set of steps that use the same page definition. This is useful to help readability of the tests, but doesn't of itself have any functionality that can't be acheived in other ways.

                         <with page="user">
                         <fetch page="user"/>

1. Allowed Content

domain -- Map a domain name to an ip address.
eval -- Evaluate an arithmetic or xpath expression
exec -- Run a datatbase sql command
fetch -- Fetch a file, an XML or a HTML page.
output -- Output a value or expression.
outputhtml -- Outputs the last fetched page to the stderr output stream without any formatting.
outputpage -- Output an XML representation of the most recently loaded page.
outputtidy -- Outputs a formatted version of the last fetched page to the stderr output stream.
script -- Specifies javascript code, which will be executed in the context of the current page.
set -- Set a variable to a value extracted from the database, to a value extracted from the current page.
submit -- Submit a form.
verify -- Verify the most recently fetched page against a specification.
verifylinks -- Verify that the links in the current page are valid.

2. Attributes

AttributeValue(s) Default Value

3. Content Rule

( domain | script | fetch | outputhtml | outputpage | outputtidy | verify | submit | verifylinks | set | eval | exec | output ) +

4. Parent Elements

steps   -- This element contains all the test steps.
suite   -- Define a set of steps which can be "called" from a run element.

Top Elements || All Elements || Tree

test DTD